Monday, October 5, 2009

Being Thankful

As hard as it is to believe, Thanksgiving is this weekend. I'm still in shock that it's even fall but really look forward to the special events and holidays the end of the year has in store. My excitement for Christmas is really too funny. I shop and plan months in advance because it is my favorite time to try and make everyone smile and show them how much I love them with thoughtfulness and surprises. I also really enjoy Thanksgiving because I find it to be one of the purest holidays that doesn't revolve around gifts and money, but just family and a wonderful dinner.

This year, we're going away to Craig's Aunt and Uncle's for Thanksgiving and Christmas too, which is really exciting for us. In our minds, they are like another set of parents and we love them very much! They live about four hours away so we don't get to see them as often as we would like but feel very lucky that we're able to spend such special holidays with them. I'm definately thankful that we have them in our lives...they are both such wonderful, caring people.

There are so many reasons to be thankful, and here is what I am thankful for:

First of all, I am thankful that the turkey I am eating on Thanksgivng won't be looking like the one above. And in all seriousness, I am thankful for family. I am so grateful for our new little family and am completely in love with my two boys! I am thankful for my mom and to have her support through anything and everything. And define it as you will but this year I've come to realize that family can be more than the typical definition of being related by blood. People who are there for you, love and support you in the long term...that's family.

So what are you thankful for??

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