Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Christmas Wish

Hi everyone! This is a special post that has nothing to do with being a mom... but about being a kind human being. Christmas is a perfect time to express your kindness through giving. I'm not talking about visiting the mall and buying "stuff" for those dear to us. Don't get me wrong, I like "stuff" but I somehow think that Christmas is much more than that. It's such a commercialized holiday, but it has great potential. Not only is it about family, and a lovely meal to be shared by all, but about giving to those less fortunate, or those who do so much for others, or just someone who has had a rough go at it lately.

This year I have decided to select one person who I would surprise with a gift. This was to be an anonymous act that would come straight from the heart. After some thinking, I made my decision and it was for someone I had only met a couple times, who I know is an amazing woman who could really use a special treat. She fits under the category of doing so much for others but who doesn't get a chance to spoil herself. She works two jobs, and money is tight. So instead of sending her something I wasn't sure she would like, I sent money. I wrote Merry Christmas and explained to her in a typed letter that she is basically an amazing woman and she should treat herself. I hope she does.

So my Christmas wish this year is that everyone partakes in a giving surprise! We all know someone who does so much for others and doesn't receive enough in return... wonderful friends and family who we think deserve more in life... a low income family that could use meals or toys. Big or small, no matter the size of the act, you could make a HUGE difference in someone's lives.

I hope you take a moment to do this, share this, and remember this for every other Christmas.

Please share any of your stories of giving, and have a very Merry Christmas!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

A New Obsession....A New Me

After feeling somewhat lost in terms of my sense of style, I feel as though I have finally been found with a new winter wardrobe. I've got a lot of excitement because this is a big deal to me. This is more than just clothes and shopping, this is "defining" myself through my clothing. I wanted to avoid Mom Jeans and I did. I wanted to avoid "young" clothing, and I did. I have found a new classic, sophisticated, and feminine new look through J Crew.

I don't shop in stores anymore. I enjoy the convenience of online shopping. So I have ordered quite a few things from the J Crew website and everything has come in, and I am in love with each and every item that I purchased. I enjoy feminine details of bows and ruffles, which are very much in this year and my clothing reflects my girly and feminine taste. I decided it was time to revitalize myself when I found that I was slipping into the Mom Drab Look of sweatpants and plain tees. I vowed never to be that woman and I saved myself in the nick of time.

These are my new pieces.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Populating Loserville...

So it's past 1am on a Saturday night and I'm lying in bed thinking. My husband is working an overnight shift and when he does, I usually struggle to get to sleep. What I end up doing is thinking...oh how dangerous thinking can be. Last night it was about Christmas, tonight it's about being a loner. I'm not very consistent, and much prefer thinking about my favorite holiday.

What I got to thinking about can be summed up in one sentence. Where did everybody go? Have you ever just looked around and sort of noticed that your friends are gone? Maybe not, it's a depressing and just to add to my lonerish state, probably not as common as I could hope for in this moment. Today, I realized that I've lost everyone. All my old friends... high school friends, college friends, work friends...they've just disappeared even though many of the clicks within those groups have remained close. I've also realized that I'm the only one who ever reconnects with any friends on facebook just to keep up appearances. I'm afraid that if I stop checking in with people, that no one will check in with me. My depressing little story concludes with a shoe party. I attempted to throw a shoe party and invited lots of girls, in which over ten rsvped yes. One girl showed up to my "party". One girl. Like seriously, loser of the year right here. *I can hear the world's smallest violin playing for me...wah wah wah *

But without crying a river, I wanted to look at this objectively. How did I become such a loner? I know I am a mom now and more of a hermit than I ever was but that shouldn't leave me friendless. As a young mom, most of my friends don't have children and aren't at the same stage of life as me. I've been told than I can intimidate childless friends and that saddens me. I've met a couple of mommy friends but those friendships didn't work out as I ran into some users and other women who I just didnt click with.

So, are my standards of a friend too high? Am I just not fun to be around? Will I ever have a best friend again? This whole thing has really got me thinking. And perhaps I should stop trying with people who don't try in return. I'm just curious when friends will come around?

I'm not wallowing...yet... and I'm not looking for sympathy but I chose to put this post up in hopes that another mom who is feeling the same way, who is just as confused, will know she is not the only one. It is not uncommon to watch friendships change as you become a parent. Sometimes you have to wait for your friends to play catch up ... sometimes you have look outside your circle...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Being Thankful

As hard as it is to believe, Thanksgiving is this weekend. I'm still in shock that it's even fall but really look forward to the special events and holidays the end of the year has in store. My excitement for Christmas is really too funny. I shop and plan months in advance because it is my favorite time to try and make everyone smile and show them how much I love them with thoughtfulness and surprises. I also really enjoy Thanksgiving because I find it to be one of the purest holidays that doesn't revolve around gifts and money, but just family and a wonderful dinner.

This year, we're going away to Craig's Aunt and Uncle's for Thanksgiving and Christmas too, which is really exciting for us. In our minds, they are like another set of parents and we love them very much! They live about four hours away so we don't get to see them as often as we would like but feel very lucky that we're able to spend such special holidays with them. I'm definately thankful that we have them in our lives...they are both such wonderful, caring people.

There are so many reasons to be thankful, and here is what I am thankful for:

First of all, I am thankful that the turkey I am eating on Thanksgivng won't be looking like the one above. And in all seriousness, I am thankful for family. I am so grateful for our new little family and am completely in love with my two boys! I am thankful for my mom and to have her support through anything and everything. And define it as you will but this year I've come to realize that family can be more than the typical definition of being related by blood. People who are there for you, love and support you in the long term...that's family.

So what are you thankful for??

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Money won't make you happy, but spending it will!

As one of my "Mommy-to-do lists" of creating a more sophisticated, yet age appropriate image, I recently went through my jewellry chest (which is like 4 feet high with 6 drawers) and had a new goal in mind. I want to start a collection of very nice, high-quality jewellry that I can treasure forever and even pass on to a young woman, perhaps a daughter, in years to come.

At this time, my drawers were stuffed with cheap necklaces and earrings suited for a preteen. Most purchased by family members who somehow got this idea that I was obsessed with cherries and was in dier need of having a cherry necklace, bracelet, and earrings for everyday of the week. But I have to remember that these are also the family members who were still giving me stick-on earrings when I was 16.

So I threw out all my teeny bopper accessories and quickly became infatuated with jewellry made by Coach and Tiffany. Yeah, I know... that's like going from being in a relationship with a really *cheap* ugly guy and then starting to date Brad Pitt. But its going quite well. I've purchased my first tiffany item which is a ring from their 1837 collection and a beautiful Coach flower ring as seen in the picture above. I was also given a beautiful Coach bangle and necklace as a gift which I am completely in love with! All in all, I like the idea that this is a process...

I am enjoying my new found hobby of drooling over the Tiffany and Coach websites and creating wishlists of items I hope to some day have. And while this hobby may be an expensive one, it's the first time in a while where I find myself thinking about me and spoiling myself! Apparently, sometimes that quote is true... spending money can make you happy ;)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'll take one pair of mom jeans please!

In December of 2007, my life changed forever. My beautiful baby boy was born and I had become a mom, a young mom at that. I was in love and over the moon over the fact that I had such an important job. Did I feel like I was giving up anything? Not at all. I never really partied much even when I had the opportunity to. So what was I giving up? Most friday nights in college, you could find me baking muffins in my dorm room. As funny as it may seem, I just didn't have the same mentality as the rest of the crowd and through the experiences of being a new mom, I continue to grow at a different rate than the average 22 year old. I am proud to say that I am happily married and am very lucky to have two amazing guys in my life.

So where do mom jeans come in to play? Well, once my son was born I began to go through my closet, among other things, and began to ask myself "Can moms wear this?" Anything revealing, short, sexy or had Baby Phat written on it was thrown into a pile to be donated because I figured as a mom, I would no longer find use for these clothes. I started thinking that because I was a mom, I should dress like a mom. I instead purchased some "mommy cardigans", and feared that the next step would be "mom jeans". Don't act like you don't know what jeans I am talking about, and I apologize if you're the owner of a pair. They are the high waisted flat butt jeans with tapered bottoms that daughters beg their mothers not to wear. And while I know that it is an extreme measure to take, one has to wonder where this idea that clothes, hairstyles and mind frames have to change after having a child.

This blog will share my adventure of finding middle ground between low-waist and mom jeans. Not finding it neccessary to go through life asking myself if something is okay simply because I am a mom, but finding a way to be a woman who is comfortable enough in her own skin to figure out what is right for her.